The Shifty Shallows

A place to lay low and plan your next move, catch up on local rumors, or just get away for a bit and drown your worries.
Located in Jenova, Empyreum ward 23, Plot 48


Run out of an abandoned manor of a disgraced Ishgardian noble, it doesn’t really advertise in any way other than word of mouth, but the clients and owner have an unspoken agreement: don’t ask unwanted questions, and don’t turn an ear to any conversations you aren’t privy to. A place where you don’t have to look over your shoulder. A place where you don’t have to fear getting ratted out.
It’s not a high brow place with top shelf alcohol and high quality food, but it’ll keep you full and drunk.


Due to the nature of expected topics, entry is restricted to players age 18+.At present there’s no real schedule. It’s mostly open when I feel like it.

House Rules

(IC rules — You can break these rules if your character can get away with it, but if not your character may get banned from the premises)There’s no signboard or anything listing the rules, but they are available on request.
1. Take any fighting outside.
-Fighting will be allowed if it is purely for sport and all involved parties put a deposit of 10,000 (RP)gil in case of damage to the establishment. Gambling on such fights will be both allowed and encouraged. The owner gets a cut of all money wagered on fights.
2. Take any fucking outside. Open sexual activity is not allowed on the premises. This ain’t a brothel.
3. No officers of the law. No rats. No moles.
-You need a warrant to search the place.
4. Use of drugs is allowed, but keep it quiet.
5. Using the place to sell your wares and services is absolutely allowed, but the owner reserves the right to take a 5% (negotiable) cut of any deals made on the premises.
6. Clothing of some kind is required in the baths. Please use the shower before bathing.
(OOC rules)
The BIG rule: discrimination and bigotry of any kind WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. The Shifty Shallows will always be a safe place for LGBT+ players and players of all nationalities, ethnicities, and spiritual beliefs.
Note for rule 2: You can engage in sexual activity if you get away with it, but please take any such activity to tells and/or party chat. ERP in public channels will never be allowed.
Note for rule 3: if your character is an officer of the law or an informant for the law, or just a nosy do-gooder type, you’re still allowed in, but keep in mind there could be IC consequences if they’re found out! If you’ve got such a character and are looking for a bit of conflict, this could be a fun place. So far from discourage lawful good characters from entering, I say: good luck!


In game: Alia Luna (Jenova)
Discord: mash3
Twitter: @AliaLunaFFXIV

Downstairs Lounge, bath, and live performance stage

Hingan-style Indoor Bath

Guest Room

Safe Room